Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Nurturing the football community for all – supported by the Onslow Way

Our Strategic Priorities

Football for all

  • Maximising the experience for all (players, coaches, managers, referees, volunteers and parents)

Developing talent

  • Providing a supportive environment for committed, passionate players to thrive
  • Strengthen the capability for coaches, referees and all those who support players

Growing girls football

  • Encouraging player participation and development

Building a strong, resilient and sustainable club

  • Expanding the opportunities available to our members without raising fees through existing and new partnerships across the wider community

Our Values


  • Everyone involved is valued and respected
  • Experiment, try new things – it’s OK to fail


  • Every player is an important part of the team
  • Equal opportunity for all to participate


  • We encourage each other
  • We work together for shared outcomes across Onslow and the broader football community


  • Football is FUN

Our Actions

Football for all

  • Develop guidance for coaches on player rotation
  • Determine how to implement dispensation guidelines (e.g. to enable playing with your friends)
  • Employ a paid coaching coordinator for the First Kicks programme
  • Develop opportunities for players to referee, mentor and coach
  • Host one of the Capital Football Festivals
  • Explore Onslow holding a club fun day
  • Explore the Onslow hub concept at tournaments
  • Explore options to better acknowledge volunteer efforts through the season
  • Investigate feasibility of extending club to include U17 and U19 teams

Developing Talent

  • Increase the number of Onslow members in Referee training
  • Develop and publish refereeing guidance for parents
  • Develop specific coaching approaches for the different age groups
  • Develop and implement a pre-season coaching programme
  • Develop and implement an in-season coaching programme
  • Publish clear Onslow pathway guidelines

Growing Girls Football

  • Target the promotion of the Onslow club to attract and retain more girls in the club
  • Attract more women Coaches to the Onslow club
  • Consider holding women only coaching courses

Building a strong, resilient and sustainable club

  • Develop a funding approach to to increase revenue without increasing fees
  • Review governance role of committee (including role, function and membership)
  • As part of governance review consider implementing a funding role on the committee
  • Provide mentoring for key roles such as coaches and grade coordinators
  • Extend the enrolment process to include detail on strategic direction, values and key role requirements
  • Investigate alternate club venues
  • Redesign Onslow logo and brand

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